
clarite.plot.top_results(ewas_result: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, pvalue_name: str = 'pvalue', cutoff: Union[float, NoneType] = 0.05, num_rows: int = 20, figsize: Union[Tuple[int, int], NoneType] = None, dpi: int = 300, title: Union[str, NoneType] = None, figure: Union[figure, NoneType] = None, filename: Union[str, NoneType] = None)

Create a dotplot for EWAS Results showing pvalues and beta coefficients

ewas_result: DataFrame

EWAS Result to plot

pvalue_name: str

‘pvalue’, ‘pvalue_fdr’, or ‘pvalue_bonferroni’

cutoff: float (default 0.05)

A vertical line is drawn in the pvalue column to show a significance cutoff

num_rows: int (default 20)

How many rows to show in the plot

figsize: tuple(int, int), default (12, 6)

The figure size of the resulting plot in inches

dpi: int, default 300

The figure dots-per-inch

title: string or None, default None

The title used for the plot

figure: matplotlib Figure or None, default None

Pass in an existing figure to plot to that instead of creating a new one (ignoring figsize and dpi)

filename: Optional str

If provided, a copy of the plot will be saved to the specified file instead of being shown



>>> clarite.plot.top_results(ewas_result)