
Functions used for analyses such as EWAS

clarite.analyze.association_study(data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, outcomes: Union[str, List[str]], regression_variables: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, covariates: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, regression_kind: Optional[Union[str, Type[clarite.modules.analyze.regression.base.Regression]]] = None, encoding: str = 'additive', edge_encoding_info: Optional[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame] = None, **kwargs)

Run an association study (EWAS, PhEWAS, GWAS, GxEWAS, etc)

Individual regression classes selected with regression_kind may work slightly differently. Results are sorted in order of increasing pvalue

data: pd.DataFrame

Contains all outcomes, regression_variables, and covariates

outcomes: str or List[str]

The exogenous variable (str) or variables (List) to be used as the output of each regression.

regression_variables: str, List[str], or None

The endogenous variable (str) or variables (List) to be used invididually as inputs into regression. If None, use all variables in data that aren’t an outcome or a covariate

covariates: str, List[str], or None (default)

The variable (str) or variables (List) to be used as covariates in each regression.

regression_kind: None, str or subclass of Regression

This can be ‘glm’, ‘weighted_glm’, or ‘r_survey’ for built-in Regression types, or a custom subclass of Regression. If None, it is set to ‘glm’ if a survey design is not specified and ‘weighted_glm’ if it is.

kwargs: Keyword arguments specific to the Regression being used
df: pd.DataFrame

Association Study results DataFrame with at least these columns: [‘N’, ‘pvalue’, ‘error’, ‘warnings’]. Indexed by the outcome variable and the variable being assessed in each regression

clarite.analyze.interaction_study(data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, outcomes: Union[str, List[str]], interactions: Optional[Union[List[Tuple[str, str]], str]] = None, covariates: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, encoding: str = 'additive', edge_encoding_info: Optional[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame] = None, report_betas: bool = False, min_n: int = 200, process_num: Optional[int] = None)

Perform LRT tests comparing a model with interaction terms to one without.

An intercept, covariates, and main effects of the variables used in the interactiona are included in both the full and restricted models. All variables in data other than the outcome and covariates are potential interaction variables. All pairwise interactions are tested unless specific Results are sorted in order of increasing pvalue

data: pd.DataFrame

The data to be analyzed, including the outcome, covariates, and any variables to be regressed.

outcomes: str or List[str]

The exogenous variable (str) or variables (List) to be used as the output of each regression.

interactions: list(tuple(strings)), str, or None

Valid variables are those in the data that are not an outcome variable or a covariate. None: Test all pairwise interactions between valid variables String: Test all interactions of this valid variable with other valid variables List of tuples: Test specific interactions of valid variables

covariates: str, List[str], or None (default)

The variable (str) or variables (List) to be used as covariates in each regression.

encoding: str, default “additive””

Encoding method to use for any genotype data. One of {‘additive’, ‘dominant’, ‘recessive’, ‘codominant’, or ‘edge’}

edge_encoding_info: Optional pd.DataFrame, default None

If edge encoding is used, this must be provided. See Pandas-Genomics documentation on edge encoding.

report_betas: boolean
False by default.

If True, the results will contain one row for each interaction term and will include the beta value, standard error (SE), and beta pvalue for that specific interaction. The number of terms increases with the number of categories in each interacting variable.

min_n: int or None

Minimum number of complete-case observations (no NA values for outcome, covariates, or variable) Defaults to 200

process_num: Optional[int]

Number of processes to use when running the analysis, default is None (use the number of cores)

df: pd.DataFrame

DataFrame with these columns: [‘Test_Number’, ‘Converged’, ‘N’, ‘Beta’, ‘SE’, ‘Beta_pvalue’, ‘LRT_pvalue’] indexed by the interaction terms (“Term1”, “Term2”) and the outcome variable (“Outcome”)

clarite.analyze.add_corrected_pvalues(data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, pvalue: str = 'pvalue', groupby: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None)

Calculate bonferroni and FDR pvalues and sort by increasing FDR (in-place). Rows with a missing pvalue are not counted as a test.


A dataframe that will be modified in-place to add corrected pvalues


Name of a column in data that the calculations will be based on.


A name or list of names of columns (including index columns) that will be used to group rows before performing calculations. This is meant to be used when multiple rows are present with repeated pvalues based on the same test. This will reduce the number of tests. For example, grouping by [“Term1”, “Term2”] in interaction results to apply corrections to the LRT_pvalue when betas are reported (which creates more rows than the number of tests)



>>> clarite.analyze.add_corrected_pvalues(ewas_discovery)
>>> clarite.analyze.add_corrected_pvalues(interaction_result, pvalue='Beta_pvalue')
>>> clarite.analyze.add_corrected_pvalues(interaction_result, pvalue='LRT_pvalue', groupby=["Term1", "Term2"])