
clarite.plot.manhattan(dfs: Dict[str, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame], categories: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, bonferroni: Optional[float] = 0.05, fdr: Optional[float] = None, num_labeled: int = 3, label_vars: Optional[List[str]] = None, figsize: Tuple[int, int] = (12, 6), dpi: int = 300, title: Optional[str] = None, figure: Optional[matplotlib.pyplot.figure] = None, colors: List[str] = ['#53868B', '#4D4D4D'], background_colors: List[str] = ['#EBEBEB', '#FFFFFF'], filename: Optional[str] = None, return_figure: bool = False)

Create a Manhattan-like plot for a list of EWAS Results

dfs: DataFrame

Dictionary of dataset names to pandas dataframes of ewas results (requires certain columns)

categories: dictionary (string: string) or None

A dictionary mapping each variable name to a category name for optional grouping

bonferroni: float or None (default 0.05)

Show a cutoff line at the pvalue corresponding to a given bonferroni-corrected pvalue

fdr: float or None (default None)

Show a cutoff line at the pvalue corresponding to a given fdr

num_labeled: int, default 3

Label the top <num_labeled> results with the variable name

label_vars: list of strings, default None

Label the named variables (or pass None to skip labeling this way)

figsize: tuple(int, int), default (12, 6)

The figure size of the resulting plot in inches

dpi: int, default 300

The figure dots-per-inch

title: string or None, default None

The title used for the plot

figure: matplotlib Figure or None, default None

Pass in an existing figure to plot to that instead of creating a new one (ignoring figsize and dpi)

colors: List(string, string), default [“#53868B”, “#4D4D4D”]

A list of colors to use for alternating categories (must be same length as ‘background_colors’)

background_colors: List(string, string), default [“#EBEBEB”, “#FFFFFF”]

A list of background colors to use for alternating categories (must be same length as ‘colors’)

filename: Optional str

If provided, a copy of the plot will be saved to the specified file instead of being shown

return_figure: boolean, default False

If True, return figure instead of showing or saving the plot. Useful to customize the plot

figure: matplotlib Figure or None

If return_figure, returns a matplotlib Figure object. Else returns None


>>> clarite.plot.manhattan({'discovery':disc_df, 'replication':repl_df}, categories=data_categories, title="EWAS Results")